Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Advantages and disadvantages of sharing a room

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8.10.2016 г.

МБОУ СШ №54 г. Липецка,

9 класс

Комбинированный урок, развития навыков чтения.

Нартова Дарья Владимировна

Тема: Advantages and disadvantages of sharing a room.

Сюжетная линия:Is it easy to live apart from your family?

Цель урока: развитие умения ознакомительного и изучающего чтения.

Сопутствующая задача: совершенствование лексических навыков и активизация навыков устной речи по теме «Правила совместного проживания».

Образовательная задача: формирование умения работы с информацией (поиск, анализ, оценка информации).

Развивающая задача: развитие умения у учащихся делать выводы из прочитанного, способности к логическому изложению мыслей, умения планировать высказывания.

Воспитательная задача: формирование уважительного отношения к своим сверстникам.

Речевой материал:

Материал для повторения: a roommate, to share a room, a chatterbox, a bore, a bookworm, a fusser, annoying, to appreciate, to quarrel, to support, behaviour, to escape.

Новый речевой материал: to spoil the impression, to have the chance to escape from, to observe the law of co-existence, to work out, to make a fuss about.

Оснащение: компьютер, интерактивная доска, проектор.


А) Речевая: опорный план для построения высказывания.

Б) Иллюстративная: Презентация, шаблоны смайликов.

Ход урока



Этап урока, подэтап,

название упражнения

Речевые действия


Речевые действия




2 мин.

I.Организационный момент. Сообщение темы урока.

-Good morning, sit down please. I am glad to see you, boys and girls. Today we shall find out if it is easy to share a room or not and what advantages and disadvantages of sharing a room you can name.

Now, let’s start our lesson.

What date is it today? What is the weather like today? How are you?

Дети приветствуют учителя.

Good morning, Daria Vladimirovna.

Today is the 8 th of October. The weather is bad today. Today is cold, rainy, wet, but not windy. It’s cloudy today. I am fine/ bad.

Презентация 1

Учитель приветствует учащихся и сообщает тему и цели урока.

4 мин.

II. Речевая разминка.

-Задание на повторение изученного ранее лексического материала

-Now, I want you to remember the words we studied at last lesson. Please, look at the screen. Your task is to read the sentence and put more appropriate word in each sentence. You can do this task in your exercise books. You will have 2 minutes.

Предложения на экране:

  1. Jane spends her evenings reading. She is a real…

  2. He always worries about everything. He is…

  3. Jack likes to tell us his dull and boring stories and wants everybody to listen to him. He is a real…

  4. Ritta is very talkative. To her, living means talking. If she phones me, we can talk the whole evening. She is such a…

Слова: a chatterbox, a bore, a bookworm, a fusser

-Your time is over, let’s check your task.

1. Jane spends her evenings reading. She is a real bookworm.

2. He always worries about everything. He is a fusser.

3. Jack likes to tell us his dull and boring stories and wants everybody to listen to him. He is a real bore.

4. Ritta is very talkative. To her, living means talking. If she phones me, we can talk the whole evening. She is such a chatterbox.

-I agree/disagree with her/his choice.

Презентация 2

Учитель проводит опрос учащихся. После каждого варианта ответа, спрашивает других учеником, согласны ли они с данным выбранным словом. (-Are you agree?).

4 мин.

III. Проверка домашнего задания.

-Задание направленно на автоматизацию пройденного ранее грамматического материала (Tag Questions).

-Please, open your workbooks at page 15. Let’s check your home task. W.B: ex. 7 p.15

Your task was to write the tags to the questions.

-Please, read you tags.


1. You are staying in this hotel,________?

2. You share a room with your brother,_______?

3. Your roommate goes out a lot,________?

4. She is a chatterbox,___________?

5. It isn’t cold here at all,__________?

6. You have already met each other,_______?

7. You have been sharing a room for a year already,________?

8. You enjoyed arranging home parties,_____?

9. Your roommates will leave school soon,____?

10. I’m superb at cooking boiled eggs,______?

-You are right/ not right. Who can help him/her with answer?

-Look at the screen and check this task.

- You are clever students. Well done.

1. You are staying in this hotel, aren’t you?

2. You share a room with your brother, don’t you?

3. Your roommate goes out a lot, doesn’t he?

4. She is a chatterbox, isn’t she?

5. It isn’t cold here at all, is it?

6. You have already met each other, haven’t you?

7. You have been sharing a room for a year already, haven’t you?

8. You enjoyed arranging home parties, didn’t you?

9. Your roommates will leave school soon, won’t they?

10. I’m superb at cooking boiled eggs, aren’t I?

Презентация 3

5 мин.





IV. Развитие навыков чтения по теме «Легко ли жить с кем-то в одной комнате? »

4.1 Дотекстовый этап.

Этап снятия лексических трудностей.


4.2 текстовый этап.

- Please open your Students Books at

page 36.

Look at exercise 77. I'd like you to read the new words from this exercise. Let's read and translate the first column.

-Now match the word combinations with their definitions. Look through the sentences and try to understand them. You will have 3 minutes.

-Who is ready to read the words and explain them? Will you translate the definitions?

a) to make, to create, to


2. to have a chance

to escape from

b) to make somebody feel

less happy and enthusiastic

about something

3. to observe the law of co-existence

c) to do something that breaks other people’s rights, independence, comfort

4. to do something at other people’s expense

d) to be nervous about unimportant things, talk a lot about them, or try to do something but without a good result

5. to make a fuss about something

e) to have the hope of avoiding something

6. to work out

f) to follow certain rules of behaviour that help avoid quarrels

-Are you agree with her/ him?

-Nice of you.

-Before reading the texts I want to ask some questions: Have you ever had to share a room with an unpleasant person? Which of his/her habits was the most unpleasant? Is it easy to keep the room tidy if you share it with an untidy person?

- I can see that you are tired. Will you stand up and do the exercises? Please, stand up.

Come, my friend
Come, my friend and dance with me
It is easy, you can see.
One step back, one step out.
Then you turn yourself around
It is fun to dance with you,
And it isn't hard to do.
One step back, one step out,
Then you turn yourself around.

- Well done. Sit down, please.

- It's interesting to find out if it is easy to share a room or not. Look at exercise 78 at page 37. You will work in groups of 4. Each group will read only one text and answer the questions after it.

The first group will read the first text (A).

The second group will read the second text


The third group will read the third text (C).

The fourth group will read the fourth text (D).

-Your time is up. Will you answer the questions and share your ideas?


A) 1. What kind of girl was Sally’s roommate, according to Sally’s words?

2. Why did Sally tell her roommate unpleasant things?

3. Do you approve of Sally’s behaviour?

B) 1. What advantages does Sharon see in sharing a room?

2. What is Sharon’s law of co-existence?

3. Do you think observing this law can make sharing easy and trouble-free?

C) 1. What attracts Daniel to sharing a room with a person his age?

2. What does he think about tidiness?

3. Do you think he is a good or a bad roommate? Why?

D) 1. How does Rick feel about sharing a room with seven boys?

2. What’s his secret for sharing a room without quarrels?

3. Can you add anything to his list of rules?

-I am ready with the task.

1. to spoil the impression- b) to make somebody feel less happy and enthusiastic about something;

2. to have a chance to escape from- e) to have the hope of avoiding something;

3. to observe the law of co-existence- f) to follow certain rules of behaviour that help avoid quarrels;

4. to do something at other people’s expense-c) to do something that breaks other people’s rights, independence, comfort;

5. to make a fuss about something- d) to be nervous about unimportant things, talk a lot about them, or try to do something but without a good result;

6. to work out- a) to make, to create, to develop

-Yes, I have/No, I haven’t.

- She/ he was untidy, a chatterbox, a bore,

a fusser, a noisy person.

-It’s easy/difficult to keep the room tidy if you share it with an untidy person.

A) 1. She was a cute girl, but a real chatterbox.

2. Sally did it in order to make the girl be upset and to make her keep quiet for a while.

3. No. I think I would be better for her just to say to that girl, that she wasn’t very interested in her boys and clothes.

B) 1. She thinks that sharing a room helps you to learn to live in the world of adults, to earn your roommate’s friendship and good feelings.

2. You can do anything you like but not at other people’s expense.

3. I think yes, but the more important point is to make your roommate also obey this law, and only then it will work.

C) 1. He thinks that a person sharing a room can do anything he wants and not only what his parents want him to do.

2. He thinks that there is no use in tidiness, because home is not a museum and there is no trouble if someone keeps his clothes on the sofa or even under it.

3. I think he is not very good roommate, because he likes to do everything he wants and doesn’t care about his roommate’s opinion at all, although maybe his roommate doesn’t like seeing clothes lying everywhere in the room.

D) 1. He feels absolutely comfortable about sharing a room with seven boys.

2. The secret is to think about the other seven people.

3. Don’t argue with somebody without any reason, and if somebody is arguing or fighting, try to calm them down.

Презентация 4

Презентация 5

Учитель привлекает внима­ние учащихся к таблице из упр. 77, стр. 36 из учебника и предлага­ет выполнить задание данного упражнения. Ученики выполняют чанное задание в течение 3 минут. В конце данного этапа урока учащиеся зачитывают вслух и переводят словосочетания из данного упражнения.

Ученики делятся на группы по 4 человека для выполнения пр. 78, стр. 37-38. Данное упражнение выполняется следующим: каждая группа читает один рассказ и отвечает на вопросы после текста. После обсуждения в группах учащиеся по очереди высказывают свое мнение о том подростке, от имени которого со­ставлен рассказ. Учитель обращает внимание на аргументацию своих вариантов.



V. Тренировка навыков вопросно-ответной работы по тексту.

- Задание направлено на закрепление лексики из текста

- Задание направлено

на автоматизацию изученной ранее лексики

- The next task for you is exercise 79(a), page 39 in your textbooks. Let's ask and answer the questions on the texts. Who wants to start? Try to make up your own questions, and the pupils from the other groups will answer them.

-Now let’s do exercise 79(b), page 39 in your textbooks. Your task is use the phrases from the texts (Ex. 78) instead of the underlined expressions. We will do it one by one. Try to help each other.

1. On general I enjoyed our holiday at the seaside but several days of nasty weather made us feel less happy.

2. Though I felt tired and sleepy and didn’t listen to Jim, he talked and talked about this recent quarrel with his girlfriend.

3. As we are not your parents, we are not going to to wash your clothes and forgive the mess in this room.

4. Adults always speak too much and pay too much attention to unimportant things like housework.

5. If you share a room, the easiest way to avoid quarrels with your roommates is to follow reasonable rules in everyday life.

-What kind of girl was Sally’s roommate, according to Sally’s words?

- She was a cute girl, but a real chatterbox.

-What advantages does Sharon see in sharing a room?

- She thinks that sharing a room helps you to learn to live in the world of adults, to earn your roommate’s friendship and good feelings.

-What attracts Daniel to sharing a room with a person his age?

- He thinks that a person sharing a room can do anything he wants and not only what his parents want him to do.

-What’s his secret for sharing a room without quarrels?

- The secret is to think about the other seven people.

1. On general I enjoyed our holiday at the seaside but several days of nasty weather spoilt the impression.

2. Though I felt tired and sleepy and didn’t listen to Jim, he kept talking about this recent quarrel with his girlfriend.

3. Unlike your Mum and Dad, we are not going to to wash your clothes and forgive the mess in this room.

4. Adults always make such a fuss about housework.

5. If you share a room, the easiest way to avoid quarrels with your roommates is to observe the law of co-existence.

Учащимся предлагается задать вопросы по текстам, которые не были ими прочитаны. Учитель побуждает детей задавать свои вопросы по текстам. Также ученикам предоставляется возмож­ность прочитать тексты про себя для проверки полученных отве­тов. В конце данного этапа урока выполняется упр. 79 (Ь), стр. 39 в устной форме.

8 мин.

VI. Активизация навыков монологической речи по теме «Достоинства и недостатки совместного проживания».

-Задание направлено на активизацию навыков устной речи по теме «Правила совместного проживания».

- Now we know what some teenagers think about sharing a room. It's time to listen to your ideas. Do you want to share a room with your friend (brother, sister, cousin)? Read the questions from the task of exercise 80, page 39 in your textbooks.

You must say which one of the teens would be a good roommate, which of them wouldn’t you like to share a room with, why?

-Look at the screen and use the following questions as a plan. Who will be a good roommate? Which of the teenagers wouldn't you like to share a room with? Why?

Примерный план на экране:

1. Is it easy to share a room? Why? Why not?

2. Which of the teenagers would be a good roommate?

3. Who don't you want to live with?

4. Have you ever shared a room with a person?

- You will have 5 minutes.

-Let’s check the task. Who wants to be the first to tell us his story?

As for me, I would like to share a room with Sharon or Rick, because they both care about their roommates. I wouldn’t like to share a room with Sally, who is too strict in manners, I think, and Daniel, who thinks only about himself.

Учитель предлагает учащимся выполнить упр. 80, стр. 39 из учебника: подготовить небольшое монологическое высказыва­ние, используя материал прочитанных текстов и вопросы на доске в качестве плана рассказа. Учитель побуждает учеников исполь­зовать в своем рассказе словосочетания и предложения из текстов упр. 78, стр. 37-38. В конце урока перед классом заслушиваются 3-5 рассказов детей.

2 мин.

VII. Подведение итогов.

Домашнее задание.

- You can see that sharing a room has advantages and disadvantages. And it depends on the person if he/she is a good roommate or not. Our lesson is over. The bell has gone. Your marks are….We shall meet on Tuesday. Get your things together.

S.B: ex. 78 p.37

W.B: ex. 3,4 p.12-13



X. Рефлексия.

And now I want to know how you liked our lesson.

Учитель раздает ученикам смайлы с изображением улыбки и грустный смайл. Если урок понравился, дети показывают веселый смайл, если не понравился- грустный смайл.

That's all for today. Good-bye, boys and girls.

-Good bye

Шаблоны смайликов,


7 слайд