Открытый урок на тему: At the Zoo: animals big and small

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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя

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урока английского языка

по теме:

« At the Zoo: animals big and small»

Разработал: учитель

английского языка

Сулейманова И.Р.

Толбазы 2012

Тема: «At the Zoo: Animals Big and Small».

Класс: 5 А

Тип урока: Урок введения новой лексики по теме «Животные».

Цели и задачи урока:

- образовательные: 1) активизация изученной лексики по теме «Животные»;

2) ознакомление с лексикой по теме «Части тела животных»;

- развивающие: 1) развитие навыков поискового чтения;

2) развитие навыков аудирования;

3) совершенствование навыков устной диалогической речи.

- воспитательные: 1) воспитывать интерес и бережное отношение к животным.

Оборудование: экран, компьютер, проектор, раздаточный дидактический материал, тематические картинки по теме «Животные», магнитофон, диск, презентация по теме.


Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие. Рапорт дежурного.

  2. Объявление темы:

Teacher: Good afternoon, boys and girls! How are you today? Sit down, please. Today we continue to learn more about animals. Some of them we knew from the previous lesson. But today we’ll speak about the Zoo.

So let’s start. (Слайд 1).

III. Фонетическая зарядка. (Слайд 2 ).

Bill and Ben

Are funny men!

They’re got big teeth

And long thin feet!

They’ve got three mice –

They are very nice.

And two small fish

In a big blue dish!

IV. Повторение и активизация в устной речи изученной лексики по теме

«Животные» (на доске картинки с изображением животных).

T: Match the pictures and the words: (Слайд 3).

  1. giraffe 5) tiger 9) hippo

  2. bear 6)elephant 10) zebra

  3. monkey 7) crocodile 11) camel

  4. lion 8) peacock 12) hare

V. T: Now, children, let us know how we can call the parts of the body of

animals: (Слайд 4).

head – голова wings – крылья

neck – шея feathers – перья

beak – клюв paws – лапы

ear – ухо legs – ноги

mane – грива tail – хвост

tusks – бивни fur – мех

trunk – хобот body – тело

T; Let’s repeat once again. ( Фонетическая отработка хором и индивидуально ).

  1. Описание животных с опорой на картинки (Слайд 5 ). T: Use these new words and describe the animals:

long – short; big – small; thin – thick .

e.g. A giraffe has got long legs.

VII. T: Boys and girls, now I want to ask you: Have you ever been to the

Zoo? Which animals could you see there? You are welcome.

( Высказывания детей ).

VIII. Прослушивание диалога упр.4 (b) стр.68 и чтение по ролям, выполнение упр.5 стр. 69.

  1. Физкультминутка. (Слайд 6). 3

  2. Практика в поисковом чтении.

T: Look at the picture and say what animal it is. Yes, it’s an emu. Will

you read the text and answer the questions: (Слайд 7 ).

This is an emu. Emus are from Australia. Emus are very tall with a

big body, a small head and long legs. An emu’s body and legs are brown

and its head and neck are blue. Emus can run very fast, but they can’t fly!

They eat fruit and insects. Emus are very interesting birds!

Answer the questions:

1. Where are emus from?

2. What colour is an emu’s body and legs?

3. Can emus fly?

4. What do they eat?

XI. T: Now, children, I invite you to London Zoo. Let’s listen to the tape and

complete the advertisement. (Cлайд 8,9 )

  1. Now, let’s play a game. We have 2 teams. The task is: Think of an

animal. The first team asks 5 questions to find out which animal it is.

The second team will answer.

XIII. Now let’s revise the names of the animals and adjectives which we use

to describe them. (Чтение по цепочке). (Слайд 10 ).

XIV.Объяснение домашнего задания. Упр.10 стр.69(рассказ о диком


XV. Подведение итогов и оценки:

T: So, children, did you like today’s lesson? Was it interesting for you?

What was new information for you? I hope the theme was very interes-

ting and exciting for you. The lesson is over. (Слайд 11).


I. Listen to the tape and complete the advertisement:


for a great family day out!

Address: Regent’s 1) _____________, London.

Opening times: 2) ______ a.m. – 4 p.m.

closed 3) __________ Day.

Tickets: Adult 4) _______ pounds,

Child (3-15) 9.50 pounds.

Animals: otters, penguins, 5)________, tigers, giraffes

and lots more.

II. Read the text and answer the questions:

This is an emu. Emus are from Australia. Emus are very tall

with a big body, a small head and long legs. An emu’s body

and legs are brown and its head and neck are blue. Emus can

run very fast, but they can’t fly! They eat fruit and insects.

Emus are very interesting birds!

  1. Where are emus from?

  2. What colour is an emu’s body and legs?

  3. Can emus fly?

  4. What do they eat?

III. Use these adjectives to describe the animals:

Zebra: beautiful, fast, friendly;

Lion: proud, strong, handsome;

Giraffe: funny, fast, silly;

Bear: strong, dangerous, angry;

Monkey: funny, playful, noisy;

Hare: funny, fast, silly, furry.