План урока 9 класс

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УМК New Opportunities (Russian Edition) Pre-Intermidiate (под ред. Michael Harris, David Mower, Irina Larionova, Irina Solokova)

Учитель: Шепелева Н.В. 9В класс Тема: Горы

Практическая задача обучения заключается в развитии способностей учащихся использовать ИЯ как инструмент общения.

Образовательная задача обучения ИЯ: познакомить учащихся с зимними видами спорта и особенностями климата в разное время года (to be boiling, freezing, cloudy, a shower, overcast, alpine skiing, extreme skiing, freestyle skiing, snowboarding etc).

Воспитательная задача: формирование уважительного отношения к спорту.

Развивающая: развитие речевых способностей учащихся, мышления памяти, воображения, внимания и языковой догадки.


  • организовать ознакомление учащихся с новыми ЛЕ (to be boiling, freezing, cloudy, a shower, overcast, alpine skiing, extreme skiing, freestyle skiing, snowboarding etc) и их первичную отработку на основе условно-речевых и речевых упражнений.

  • организовать прослушивание аудиотекста «There is a mountain…» учащимися на извлечение конкретной информации и контроль его понимания.

  • организовать монологические высказывания учащихся в объеме 4-5 предложений по теме.

  • создать условия для чтения с целью общего понимания информации.

  • организовать тренировку учащихся с грамматическим материалом (Passive Voice) на основе Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect Passive c помощью упражнений.

Оснащение: карточки, магнитофон, интерактивная доска.

Ход урока:

Деятельность учителя Деятельность учащихся

1. Оргмомент.

Good morning, everybody! I’m very glad to see you today, sit down please. Let’s start our work. Today, we’re going to speak about mountains.

Речевая зарядка

Have you ever been to the Mountains?

What are the highest mountains in Russia?

What was the weather there?

What can we do in the mountains?

Now, we’ll learn how to describe the weather definitely and learn different kinds of winter sports.

Good morning!

Уч-ся отвечают на вопросы




2. Ознакомление уч-ся с НЛЕ.

To describe the weather in each season we’ll need some words. Will you open your books at page 97 ex. 2. There are some words there. Guess the meaning of the words in my sentences. Listen to me:

1).The weather is so hot, that the water seems to be boiling.

2). It’s January, it’s freezing and snowing outside.

3). There are many clouds in the sky. It is overcast.

4) I can’t see anything, there is fog everywhere.

5). The weather is changeable – a day can begin sunny and it can rain later.

Уч-ся догадываются о значении новых слов и переводят их.

3. Тренировка использования лексики.

Look at the photos of the mountains on the black-board. Using the key words from ex.2 I want you to describe the weather in the mountains.

Уч-ся описывают каждую картинку с доски.

4. Организация аудирования текста.

You’ll hear some information about the mountains and your task is to guess what photo is described? You are going to listen to it once.

Предъявление текста

There is a mountain right behind my house. In the summer, it’s absolutely boiling, with temperatures of up 40◦C, so I always go out in the evening when it’s cooler. The only problem is that there are sometimes storms with thunder and lightning. The spring is beautiful because everything is green and there are lots of flowers. The autumn is even better with the leaves turning colour, though the weather is quite changeable – a day can begin sunny and it can rain later. In the winter, the mountain is often covered with snow and it’s sometimes freezing, with temperatures below zero in the day and with frost at night (up to -15◦C). From the mountains, you can see the sea and the city below. It’s a lovely place.

Уч-ся прослушивают текст

5. Контроль аудирования.

6. Монологические высказывания уч-ся.

Well and now choose one of the other two photos and describe them in 4-5 sentences beginning with the words ”I live near a mountain…”

You’ll have 2 minutes to think it over.

So, now you know how to describe the weather and what Table Mount is.

Уч-ся отвечают на вопрос, B Table Mountain

Уч-ся на основе иллюстраций и ключевых слов описывают одну из фото.

7. Целеполагание (2-ой урок)

Well, continue our working, I’d like to pay your attention to one of the most beautiful and coldest season of the year. It’s winter. Because in winter you have a great opportunity to do some sports.

By the way:

-What kind of winter sports do you know?

  • Are winter sports popular in Russia? Which ones?

  • Are there any famous winter sports people?

  • Which winter sports do you like watching on TV?

  • What sports do you go in for?

Today we are going to speak about the most popular winter sports in the world. Let’s learn some information about them. But at first, I want you to look at some winter sports in ex1. p.98 and guess the meaning of them. And the pictures from the black-board will help you. (Слайды на смарт-доске)

P-s: alpine skiing, extreme skiing, freestyle skiing, ice-hockey, snowboarding…





8. Организация чтения текста.

Open your books ex.3 p.98, read the encyclopedia extracts (1-6) and match them with the headings. There is one extra heading. Let’s read the headings, first and then the extracts. I’ll give you some minutes to read the extracts.

Уч-ся прочитывают текст.

9. Контроль понимания прочитанного.

Lets check your answers.

Say if it is true or false: (на карточках)

  1. The first competitions were held in the 1890s.

  2. This spectacular sport was invented by the Australians.

  3. The oldest skis were found in Germany.

  4. Skis have been used in Scandinavia for transport and hunting since prehistoric times.

P1. ski jumping

P2. the history of skiing

P3. freestyle skiing

P4. Winter Olympics

P5. extreme skiing

P6. snowboarding

P1. It’s false……in 1860s

P2. false…..by the Norwegians.

P3. false…..in Sweden.

P4. It’s true.

10. Тренировка грамматического материала Passive Voice.

Will you look at the sentences in the cards. What construction is used here?

When do we use such construction?

Well, look at the extracts again and complete the sentences in ex.5p.99. Then we’ll compare your answers with the black-board and check if you are right or wrong. (работа со смарт-доской).

Is everything right?

Passive Voice

The Passive Voice is used when we don’t know the doer of an action.

Уч-ся сверяют ответы с доской

P-s: Pr. Simple Passive – is, are

Past Simple P – were, invented

Pr. Perfect P – used, has been

11. Подведение итогов.

Well, you’ve worked hard today and I’m satisfied with your work. What new have you learnt today? Now you know how to describe the weather and what the most popular winter sports are. I think it’ll be useful for you because nowadays, many teenagers are lazy and prefer to watch them at home. And I suppose today you’ve changed your mind and will take up some kind of sports.

We’ve learnt how the weather is changing during the seasons. We’ve learnt some info about winter sports and many other interesting things.

12. Предъявление домашнего задания.

Look at the black-board and write down the home-task.

T/b: ex.2p.97, ex1.p98 – write the w-s in the vocabularies and learn them by heart.

W.B. ex.1,2 p.66-67

Thank you for the lesson! Good-bye!

Good-bye teacher!

Say if it is true or false:

1.The first competitions were held in the 1890s.

2.This spectacular sport was invented by the Australians.

3.The oldest skis were found in Germany.

4. Skis have been used in Scandinavia for transport and hunting since prehistoric times.

Say if it is true or false:

1.The first competitions were held in the 1890s.

2.This spectacular sport was invented by the Australians.

3.The oldest skis were found in Germany.

4. Skis have been used in Scandinavia for transport and hunting since prehistoric times.

Say if it is true or false:

1.The first competitions were held in the 1890s.

2.This spectacular sport was invented by the Australians.

3.The oldest skis were found in Germany.

4. Skis have been used in Scandinavia for transport and hunting since prehistoric times.

Say if it is true or false:

1.The first competitions were held in the 1890s.

2.This spectacular sport was invented by the Australians.

3.The oldest skis were found in Germany.

4. Skis have been used in Scandinavia for transport and hunting since prehistoric times.

Say if it is true or false:

1.The first competitions were held in the 1890s.

2.This spectacular sport was invented by the Australians.

3.The oldest skis were found in Germany.

4. Skis have been used in Scandinavia for transport and hunting since prehistoric times.

Say if it is true or false:

1.The first competitions were held in the 1890s.

2.This spectacular sport was invented by the Australians.

3.The oldest skis were found in Germany.

4. Skis have been used in Scandinavia for transport and hunting since prehistoric times.