Внеклассное мероприятие в рамках комплексно-целевой программы «Эколог ХХI века» «Кто если не мы…» (интеллектуально-познавательный марафон)

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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение гимназия № 48, г.о. Тольятти

План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия в рамках комплексно-целевой программы «Эколог ХХI века»

«Кто если не мы…»

(интеллектуально-познавательный марафон)

6 класс «Б»

Учитель: Алтынбаева Галия Фяритовна

Цель : Формировать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся при помощи информационно-коммуникационных технологий и интерактивных упражнений.


- продолжать формирование коммуникативной компетенции по теме;

- обеспечить в ходе урока повторение усвоенных лексических единиц по теме;

- читать с целью охвата общего содержания;

- совершенствовать навыки употребления лексических и грамматических структур в речи учащихся с соблюдением норм иностранного языка;

-продолжить формирование общего и филологического кругозора.

-формировать умение делать проекты.

- развивать языковую догадку;

- развивать навыки понимания иностранной речи;

- развивать память и мышление;

- развивать коммуникативные навыки и умения;

- развивать познавательный интерес у учащихся.

-воспитывать понимание ценности человеческой жизни, взаимопомощи и бережного отношения к природе.


  • Карточки с заданиями, компьютерная презентация, жетоны-листочки, аудиозапись к учебнику, плакат с изоб­ражением дерева.

Ход мероприятия:

I. Вступление.

Teacher (Т): Good morning, everybody! I'm glad to see you.

Pupils (Ps): Good morning, we are glad to see you too.

T: Take your seats, please. Let's start our work. Look at the screen now. Read these words, look at this picture and think about the topic of our lesson. What are we going to speak about? (Слайд № 2)

Ps make their suppositions. (for example: We are going to speak about nature and its problems.)

T: That's true. We will have a kind of a competition called “Nothing is forever”. We’ve already divided into 3 groups. Be friendly, active and smart. For each right answer the team will get a green leaf. Whose team has more leaves those will be winners. Let’s start!

II. Беседа по актуальным вопросам изучаемой темы. Guess the word: what is around us where plants, animals or people live?


ІІІ. Игра – соревнование: Работа в группах.

  1. Choose the words about “pollution.” (Слайд № 4)

  2. Choose the problems with air, water, forests and soil. (Слайд № 5)

  3. Match the verbs and the nouns:

to cut down

to drink

to breathe

to leave

to pick up

to drop

to make

to recycle

to kill

  • Air

  • Animals

  • Water

  • Litter

  • Campfire

  • Flowers

  • Trees

  • Fish

  • Rubbish

(Слайд № 6)

  1. Choose the correct article: the, a or no article.

  • moon goes round … sun.

  • forests and …oceans are a part of …environment.

  • There are many important problems connected with…environment.

  • Earth is the biggest planet in… universe.

  • atmosphere is … air or climate in a particular place.

  • The people of …world must help the animals.

(Слайд №7-8)

5. T: You know very well that the world around us is in danger and we must protect the nature. The Earth is our big home. We must keep it clean for ourselves and for the next generations, because nothing is forever and nature is getting tired. If we don't stop and think today, tomorrow the Earth could die.

Now listen to the text and be ready to answer the question:

"How do people in England protect the environment?" (Слайд №9)

(Учащиеся слушают текст с опорой на иллюстрации, после отвечают на вопрос учителя.)

1. We sort our rubbish: there are special containers for paper, tins, food, white glass, brown glass and green glass. After that special factories recycle these materials and people reuse them.

2. We never drop litter in the street. If somebody sees you, you have to pay a fine.

3. We never forget to turn off lights and water. Water, heating and electricity are expensive!

4. A lot of people use public transport. They don't go by cars, because firstly, cars pollute the atmosphere and secondly, because it's very difficult and expensive to park a car in a big city.

5. We clean up after our dogs with special pooper scoopers. If we don't — the fine is £50.

6. Our winters aren't very cold, so nobody wears fur coats. If you wear a fur coat, sometimes people from Greenpeace spray your coat with paint. "We mustn't kill animals for clothes," they say.

7. When we go camping, we never make campfires. We use camping stoves.

Ответы учащихся: (За каждый правильный ответ группа получает жетон-листок.)

  1. They don’t kill animals for clothes.

  2. They sort their rubbish.

  3. They use public transport.

  4. They never forget to turn off lights and water.

  5. They never drop litter in the street.

  6. They never make campfires. They use camping stoves.

  7. They clean up after their dogs.

T: Now let’s speak about the protection in our country. Answer the question please. Look at the screen.

How do you protect the environment? (Слайд №10)

Ответы учащихся по очереди в группах:

I don’t make fires in the forests.

I don’t pollute the water.

I take care of animals and birds.

I don’t leave litter in the forests.

I plant trees.

I feed birds in winter

I turn off the lights when I leave a room.

I don’t drop litter in the street.

I don’t kill birds and animals.

We clear rubbish around our school every spring. We plant trees, flowers. We build bird - houses and feed birds in winter.

T: I’m glad that you take care of nature. And now let’s listen to your promises that you had to write at home.

How will you protect the world around us?

Let's make the project "Green Tree". (Слайд №11)

Use the tree leaves from the Cut Out page in your workbook. Read your promises and fix them on our tree. Is it clear?

We'll make our Green Tree. Who starts?

(Учащиеся зачитывают свои обещания, защищать природу.)

T: We've made our Green Tree. Do you like it? I think you must keep your promises, mustn’t you?

PI: Yes, we must.

Now let's relax and sing the song about nature protection.

(Учащиеся поют песню) (Слайд №12)

What about sunrise

What about rain

What about all the things

That you said we were to gain...

What about killing fields

Is there a time

What about all the things

That you said was yours and mine...

Did you ever stop to notice

All the blood we've shed before

Did you ever stop to notice

The crying Earth, the weeping shores?

Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah

What have we done to the world

Look what we've done

What about all the peace

That you pledge your only son...

What about flowering fields

Is there a time

What about all the dreams

That you said was yours and mine...

Did you ever stop to notice

All the children dead from war

Did you ever stop to notice

The crying Earth the weeping shores?

Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaah

I used to dream

I used to glance beyond the stars

Now I don't know where we are

Although I know we've drifted far

Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah

Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaaah

ІV. Обобщение, подведение итогов учениками. Заключение - учитель Count the total score is… The winner of the competition is the team … but the winner is that who will try not to harm our planet and save it to the next generation. If we don’t stop and think today tomorrow the Earth could die.

Т: Dear friends, our lesson is over.

Today we've spoken English a lot.

T: Which part of the lesson did you like most of all?

PI: I liked the song.

P2: As for me I liked the project and presentation.

T: What did you understand at the lesson?

PI: It is important to protect the world around us, animals and trees.

P2: I agree, if we want to have clean Earth, water, air we should protect it.

P3: We must protect the environment, because nothing is forever and nature is getting tired. If we don't stop and think today, tomorrow the Earth could die.

T: Thank you for the lesson, you were very active today.

I enjoyed your work at the lesson. Your marks are...

V. Конкурс плакатов на экологическую тему:

Представьте, что вы – художники. Вам нужно нарисовать плакаты для международного слета членов организации «Greenpeace», чтобы привлечь внимание всех окружающих к экологическим проблемам. Тема вам известная: «Защита окружающей среды» Это будет продолжением вашего проекта.

Работа жюри, объявление результатов

- Good bye!