Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: Types of TV programs (к учебнику Happy English)

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Конспект урока

29 января, 8 «a,б»

Книга – УМК «Happy English» для 8 класса средней школы

Авторы: М. З. Биболетова, Н. Н. Трубанева.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Тема урока: «Types of TV programs»

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся

Задачи урока:

- совершенствование навыков монологической речи

- научить извлекать информацию из прослушанного диалога

- научить составлять диалоги, используя диалогические единства, клише

Языковой материал:

а) образцы диалога

б) диалогические фразы, клише

Оснащение урока: книга для учащихся УМК Enjoy English 8 класс, видеоматериал, аудиозапись диалога.

Ход урока

  1. Приветствие.

Учитель: Good morning, children! Please? Be seated. I’m glad to see you! How are you today?

Ученики: Good morning! We are glad to see you too. We are fine, thank you.

Учитель: Who can tell me what we were talking about last time?

Ученики: We were talking about television and TV programs.

  1. Организация класса и речевая подготовка.

Повторение предыдущего материала. Учитель задает вопросы по пройденной теме, учащиеся отвечают.

1) How often do you use the Internet?

2) Which media is the most popular in your family?

3) Have you ever heard a radio talk show?

4) How often do you read newspapers?

5) What is your favorite TV Channel?

6) Would you like to work at television?

7) Who in your family watches TV more than others?

8) Does the Internet help you to do your homework?

9) What is the most expensive media?

10) What is the cheapest media?

  1. Развитие монологической речи.

Устно учащиеся дают определения каждому виду телевизионной программы. P.69 Ex. 27.

  1. An advert

  2. A soap opera is a program, which is often two or three times a week, it shows the lives of a group of people. Soaps are often exciting and dramatic.

  3. Sports news is news about sports life, different competitions, kinds of aport and victories of sportsmen.

  4. A talk show

  5. A music programme is a programme, on which one can listen to music, dance or sing and also get information about music stars.

  6. A weather forecast is a program that can give a lot of useful information about the weather for several days.

  7. The Internet is a kind of mass media where you can find a lot of information about everything and communicate with other people.

  8. A quiz is a programme, where people (teams or families) answer questions or play games against each other.

Well, now you’ll see some videos and decide what kinds of TV programs they are.

Выполнение задания: просмотреть видео и определить какие типы программ представлены в презентации. Названия программ написаны на доске, из них двалишние (soaps, a talk show, a documentary, sports news, a music programme).

  1. Работа с диалогом.

Now, please listen to the dialogue and then tell me its theme. So, what are they talking about?

-Ann, how much time do you spend watching TV?

-Oh, about 4-5 hours.

-And what programs do you prefer?

-I prefer different music programs, because they help me to relax and different talk shows, because they give much information about famous people.

-What music programs could you recommend me?

-I think that “Guess the melody” is the most interesting program!

-And what do you think about a documentary?

-I find it boring.

-Thank you for that information.

Well, now you will hear the dialogue again. Your task is to learn why Ann likes/doesn’t like these programs.

Затем ответить на вопросы:

1) What programs does Ann prefer? Why?

2) What programs doesn`t Ann like? Why? 3) What does she recommend to watch?

  1. Учащиеся записывают домашнее задание. P. 86, Ex. 4, оформить в виде таблицы.

  1. Самостоятельная работа. Учащиеся составляют свой диалог о любимой программе. На карточках ученики вставляют пропущенные фразы, клише (выписаны на доску) или подставляют готовые образцы в диалог (написанные выше). В конце урока выполненные работы сдаются учителю на проверку.

(silly, dull, to relax, to forget about problems, a talk show, to know more about famous people).

-Hello, Tom! I would like to invite you to my place today. We can watch a new comedy.

-Hi! But I don`t like comedies, because …

-I don`t agree with you, because they always help to…

-But I prefer…


-I like to watch it, because…

-Ok! Let`s watch it.

VII. Подведение итогов.

Учитель: You work very well today. The lesson is over. See you on Wendnesday. Goodbye.