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1 класс - 2 класс - 3 класс - 4 класс - 5 класс - 6 класс - 7 класс - 8 класс - 9 класс - 10 класс - 11 класс

Английский язык: учебное пособие для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений с русским языком обучения. Н.В. Юхнель, Е.Г. Наумова, Минск, «Вышэйшая школа», - 2010

Английский язык: учебное пособие для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений с русским языком обучения. Н.В. Юхнель, Е.Г. Наумова, Минск, «Вышэйшая школа», - 2010

Страница № 171.

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OCR-версия страницы из учебника (текст страницы, которая находится выше):

are more than 30 species of fish in the lakes. 45 of the birds are in the Red Book too - they are in danger. Such animals as badgers, brown bears, elks, wild boars and deer live in the forests around the lakes. The centre of the National Park is Braslav - one of the most ancient towns in Belarus. It was first mentioned in the early 11th century.

Sport Complex "Raoubichi" (22 km from Minsk). This sports complex in the central part of Belarus was built for ski competitions. Now it is a popular place for festivals and weekend holidays - tourists can stay in comfortable three-star hotels and lovely little cottages. There is a forest and a lake there and in winter you can ski-jump and ride on sledges. Right here there is a historical monument - a Cross Mount Roman-Catholic church with a museum of local costume from all regions of Belarus.

Dudutki (40 km from Minsk) is an open-air museum. This is a museum of handicrafts which was founded in 1993. Here the past and present are brought together and you can feel the atmosphere of the 19th century and discover the secrets of ancient handicrafts. It makes Dudutky one of the centres of cultural life in Belarus.

Grodno (275 km from Minsk). Grodno was first mentioned in 1128 A.D. It is one of the oldest cities in Belarus. It was founded in the 11th century on the picturesque banks of the Neman River. Monuments of all periods of history have survived in Grodno: the Church of St. Boris and Gleb (the only 12th century church in Belarus); the Old Castle (a monument of the

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Все учебники по английскому языку:

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