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Английский язык: учебное пособие для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений с русским языком обучения. Н.В. Юхнель, Е.Г. Наумова, Минск, «Вышэйшая школа», - 2010

Английский язык: учебное пособие для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений с русским языком обучения. Н.В. Юхнель, Е.Г. Наумова, Минск, «Вышэйшая школа», - 2010

Страница № 155.

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Страница учебника

OCR-версия страницы из учебника (текст страницы, которая находится выше):

piece of rock in the world - Ayers Rock. It is a very special place in central Australia: the rock is red, it is 335 metres high and you can see it from many kilometres away. Native Australians call it Uluru and believe it is holy — there is magic there. С

- They can't live in the deserts, on rocks or in salt lakes. In fact most of them live in the cities of the east coast. There are only about 19 million people in Australia and it's a very big country. You won't believe it, but there are ten sheep in Australia for each person who lives there. D

- Before Cook all world maps used to have words Terra Australis Incognita (Southern Unknown Land) on them where Australia and Antarctica are now. Captain James Cook discovered Australia in 1770, but the first European visitors were the Dutch. They settled there in 1616. Later, in 1788, the first British settlement appeared in Australia - Britain sent some criminals there. E

- It was much earlier. On old rocks in Australia you can see the so-called X-ray paintings of people and animals. They were left by the first Native Australians. Some of the paintings are about 40,000 years old. F

- The local wildlife, of course. But what surprised me most when I came there first, was the sky. If you look at the sky above Australia you'll see that it is absolutely different. The stars that you see are different. On the flag of Australia there is the Southern Cross - a group of stars you won't see if you look at the sky in Britain, for example. G

Страницы учебника:

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Все учебники по английскому языку:

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